Women4Metals und SynFlex Group
Women4Metals is an industry-specific women‘s empowerment initiative in the metal industry that was founded by Aurubis. It is about making the industry more attractive for women. In a broader sense, all industries that are dominated by men.
The SynFlex Group, SHWire and SynFlex, believe this to be extremely important, on the one hand to uncover the dormant potential of women for the industry and on the other hand to increase diversity. The metal industry is always considered old-fashioned, whereas without us very attractive future models such as e-mobility, the expansion of renewable energies and grid infrastructure would not be possible at all.
More information on the initiative

Wonem4Metals with us on our Podcast "Copper Insights"
For International Women's Day 2023, we covered a particularly important topic on our Podcast "Copper Insights": How can we make the metal industry more attractive for women and what roles can universities play in this. Guests were Stefanie Klein and Tanja Winter of Aurubis and they had an inspiring discussion with our metal expert Michael Wieland.
Listen to episode now (German)
At the beginning of the initiative we already had the pleasure once to have Tanja Winter for an interview on our Podcast. Michael Wieland spoke with her about her experiences in the industry and about the initiative Women4Metals.
Interview with Tanja Winter, 2021 (only in German available)
Women4Metals panel discussions with experts
The advancement of women, equal rights and equal opportunities are on everyone's lips. The initiative Women4Metals is committed to these aspects in the metal industry.
We also actively participate and want to make a difference. Together with other experts in the industry, we regularly take part in panel discussions to make the industry more attractive for women.
At the Coiltech in Augsburg 2023, Hubertus Hasse, managing partner of SynFlex, together with Stefanie Klein and Tanja Winter of Aurubis as well as other industry representatives explored the questions of how we can make the metal sector more interesting for women and what we can do as a company to give women a higher status in our organizations. How can we become established as an attractive employer and improve equal opportunities and working conditions?