MINT in Lügde makes people aware of the environment
6 May 2023 was again a great success in the Emmerauenpark, Lügde. The 12th presentation, with participants from all day-care centres, primary schools, also from Schieder-Schwalenberg, and the secondary school in Lügde.
The "MINT in Lügde" working group has succeeded in getting many children and young people interested in "hands-on research". This is also our goal, to awaken young people's interest in the MINT "Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology", professions.
The good news is that everyone wants to continue, and the next event will take place in 2024. The MINT event is unique in our region in Lippe and the surrounding area. We can only ask that parents and relatives to give their children and grandchildren early hints about the MINT topic. Our society needs those people, also to maintain the quality of our economic location in Germany.
The MINT working group thanks all helpers and donors who support this activity.
Georg – Jescow von Puttkamer
Schwering & Hasse Stiftung